
Not all water is created equal

Lots of water is sold in bottles, but what most people don’t realize is that much of it is either spring water with no special qualities or simply high-priced city tap water. Marketing, naming and packaging can completely change your perception about a particular brand, but it can’t change what’s actually in the bottle. That’s why it’s so important to educate yourself, read labels and know the source and type of water you’re buying.  

Choose our naturally pure, Beautiful Artesian Water and eliminate all the guesswork.


Why Beautiful Artesian Water? 

A look at what makes our water special. 

Artesian Water

Authentic Waters only bottles Artesian Water. Artesian Water is the most difficult to find and sought after type of bottled water on the market and is sourced from aquifers, which are deep underground layers of porous rock, sand and earth that contain water. 

Surrounded by additional protective layers of impermeable rock or clay, this pristine water naturally filters under pressure through sand, gravel, sandstone and limestone, where it also gathers essential minerals along the way.

According to the EPA, water from artesian aquifers is frequently among the purest, healthiest you’ll find because of its protection from pollution and contamination, as well as its slow, natural filtering process. And it tastes better too.

Bottled Water

Spring Water

The second most common bottled water you’ll find is spring water. While spring water must be produced from a natural spring, people tend to think it’s special because the water comes from the ground and hasn’t been used before. This really isn’t the case, though. 

Water that flows from springs is simply groundwater with no special qualities. By its very nature, groundwater isn’t protected and can be exposed to pollutants and contaminants from both the air and soil around it.

Even with a variety of filtration treatments during bottling, certain impurities in spring water can and will remain. 

Tap Water

Purified Water

Close to half of the bottled water sold worldwide is actually purified water. While often marketed, named and packaged in a way that denotes more “natural” origins, purified water is what most us know as tap water.

The bottler might treat municipal or community water through de-ionization, de-mineralization or reverse-osmosis filtration, but the FDA requires them to identify what type of water is in every bottle. If the label says from a “community water system” or “municipal source," you’re just buying clean tap water. 

Also, the FDA purity standards for bottled water are no higher than those of the Environmental Protection Agency for tap water. In some cases, they’re even less stringent.